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1987 Israel 1 Agora coin pendant Jewish galley ship Herodian coinage Herod Archelaus menorah Jaffa Caesarea Jerusalem Tel Aviv Haifa Rishon LeZion Petah Ashdod Judea Samaria Star of David Netanya Torah Talmud Zion Hebrew kabbalah Safed Nazareth n002232

  • ¥2,400

note: small coin

Israel 1 Agora {1985-1991} 1S

front: ancient galley resembling the image on a coin of the era Herodes Archelaos with State of Israel emblem above (menorah flanked by olive branches)

ISRAEL ישראל اسرائيل

Herodian coinage are coins minted and issued by the Herodian Dynasty, Jews of Idumean descent who ruled the province of Judaea between 37 BC–92 AD. The dynasty was founded by Herod the Great who was the son of Antipater, a powerful official under the Hasmonean King Hyrcanus II.

Herod Archelaus (Greek: Ἡρώδης Ἀρχέλαος, Hērōdēs Archelaos; 23 BCE – c. 18 CE) was ethnarch of Samaria, Judea, and Idumea (biblical Edom), including the cities Caesarea and Jaffa, for a period of nine years (circa 4 BCE to 6 CE). Archelaus was removed by Roman Emperor Augustus when Judaea province was formed under direct Roman rule, at the time of the Census of Quirinius. He was the son of Herod the Great and Malthace the Samaritan, and was the brother of Herod Antipas, and the half-brother of Herod II. Archelaus (a name meaning "leading the people") came to power after the death of his father Herod the Great in 4 BCE, and ruled over one-half of the territorial dominion of his father.

back lettering:
אגורה AGORA

Translation: 1 Agora 5747 (1986)

• quantity 1
• demonetized {no longer in circulation} polished Aluminium-bronze coin
• diameter: 17 mm
• weight: 2 g

• 24” brass ball chain {2.5mm thick, lightweight 5 g}
• no chain or cord
• 2-1/2" brass snake keychain with snap end {see last photo}

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for a: Israel coin pendant necklace Jewish galley ship Herod the Great coinage menorah Jerusalem Tel Aviv Haifa Rishon LeZion Petah Tikva Ashdod Netanya Beersheba Safed Nazareth Jew Judaism Hebrew Yiddish Shabbat Zion Middle East Arab Holy Land Torah Bar Mitzvah Judea Semitic Mered Bar Kokhba Shalom Hanukkah Talmud star of David Beit Mikra Levant Tanakh Holon

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