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1960 Colombia 10 Cent coin pendant escudo Colombiano flag condor Bogotá Medellín Cali Barranquilla Cartagena Cúcuta Soacha Soledad Bucaramanga Bello Ibagué Manizales Montería Valle del Cauca Antioquia Pereira Caldas Armenia Muisca Chibcha Quimbaya n003422

  • 171 kr

Commemorative issue
150th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of Colombia

1960 Colombia 10 Centavos {1-year issue}

front: Colombia coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Colombia contains a shield with numerous symbols. Perched on top of the shield is an Andean condor holding an olive crown and the condor symbolizing freedom. The national motto, Libertad y Orden (Spanish for Liberty and Order), is on a scroll in between the bird and the shield in black font over golden background.

The national flag is draped on each side of the shield. The shield is broken into three portions. In the lowermost portion is a depiction of ships, pointing to the maritime history of Colombia, namely to the Isthmus of Panama, which was part of Colombia until 1903. Nowadays represents the two oceans that border the country (Atlantic and Pacific). The sails mean the Colombian commerce with the rest of the world and the rising economy. In the middle section, over a field of silver (argent), the Phrygia cap is presented; this being a traditional symbol of liberty and freedom. The topmost section contains a pomegranate over a blue (azure) field, as a symbol of the Vice royalty of New Granada (early colonial name of Colombia back in the 18th century), in the middle flanked by two cornucopias or horns of plenty: the one at the right with golden and silver coins and the one at the left with tropical fruits. This portion represents the agricultural and mineral wealth of Colombian soil.

1810 - 1960

back: portrait of Indio Chief Calarcá 

Chief Calarcá was a native American leader and war chief. This indigenous chief was the leader of the Pijaos Tribe, who lived in the actual Calarcá (municipality in the eastern part of the department of Quindío, Colombia). According to the legends, Chief Calarcá died in a fight with Baltazar Maldonado, an indigenous converted into the Catholicism, to keep the power of the territory, in a fight placed on Peñas Blancas, a characteristic mountain of the actual city of Calarcá.

• quantity 1
• demonetized {no longer in circulation} polished Copper-nickel coin
• diameter: 18.5 mm
• weight: 2.5 g

• 24" stainless steel ball chain {2.5mm thick, lightweight 5 g}
• no chain or cord
• 1-1/8" stainless steel keychain with 30 mm ring {see last photo}

<please like me on> coin pendant moneda Colombiana Bogota Medellin Cali Barranquilla Cartagena Columbia necklace coin jewelry, Colombian pendants, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Cúcuta, Chibcha language, Muisca people, Cúcuta, Santander, Manizales, Bucaramanga, Pereira, Caldas, cumbia, Cundinamarca, Atlántico, Bolívar, Soledad, Ibagué, Vallenato

Colombia coin pendant necklace Colombian jewelry flags Andean condor escudo Colombiano Indio Chief Calarcá Bogotá Medellín Cali Barranquilla Cartagena Cúcuta Soacha Soledad Bucaramanga Bello Ibagué Manizales Montería Valle del Cauca Antioquia Pereira Caldas Armenia Chibcha Santander Quimbaya Muisca Chibcha cumbia partero parce paisa