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1991 Guatemala 10 Centavos coin pendant necklace resplendent quetzal bird Quiriguá Maya Pillar ruin Huehuetenango K’iche' Escuintla Jutiapa Petapa Tikal n000987

  • 174 kr

Guatemala 10 Centavos {1976-2009} 10S

front: coat of arms
The emblem of Guatemala comprises:

A wreath of bay laurel branches, the symbol for victory;
The resplendent quetzal, a bird that symbolizes liberty;
A parchment scroll on which is written LIBERTAD 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821 in gold (15 September 1821 is the date of Central America's independence from Spain);
Two crossed Remington rifles with bayonets indicating Guatemala's willingness to defend itself by force if need be;
Two crossed swords, representing honor.
The emblem also appears on the middle third of the flag of Guatemala. The quetzal previously appeared in the flag of Los Altos, Central America in the 1830s.

Las armas de la república serán: un escudo con dos rifles y dos espadas de oro enlazadas con ramas de laurel en campo celeste claro. El centro estará cubierto con un pergamino, que contendrá la siguiente leyenda en letras de oro: Libertad 15 de septiembre de 1821, figurará en la parte superior un Quetzal, como símbolo de la independencia y autonomía de la Nación

back: Mayan Pillar ruins of Quirigua {MONOLITO DE QUIRIGUA}

• quantity 1
• demonetized {no longer in circulation} polished Copper-nickel coin
• diameter: 21 mm
• weight: 3.2 g

• 24" stainless steel ball chain {2.5mm thick, lightweight 5 g}
• no chain or cord
• 1-1/8" stainless steel keychain with 30 mm ring {see last photo}

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